Labels:text | screenshot | font | rectangle OCR: REQUIREMENTS STUDY Ensuring that user processes are documented or outlined correctly in the requirements document ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Testing that the system is consistent and implementable (feasibility testing) Testing that the system embodies user requirements Preparing a test plan for each module Upper CASE tools can look for design inconsistencies. "unanual feasibility testing and or develoment of prototype of critical system elements! CODING Develop tests for each module Develop tests for the integrated modules Test to ensure functionality of each module Test to measure performance of each module or overall application, including stress testing at peak loads DOCUMENTATION CLIENT/SERVER TESTING Testing the client component (GUI) Testing the server component (load testing) Testing the network (performance, reliability, stress testing) (must be tested at each stage for accuracy) MAINTENANCE PHASE TESTING Regression tests, performed after maintenance, enhancement, or debugging FIGURE 1 Testing is necessary during each phase of the development effort - from requirements gathering to maintenance .: